Monday, November 23, 2009

Cookbook coming soon!

I am pleased to announce that our Mom2Mom group will soon be publishing a cookbook that will be sold with all profits going to support this local Mom2Mom group. Here's how you can help . . . turn in your favorite recipes! Now, I've been to enough M2M meetings to know that we have some great cooks in our midst, and since I'm the one writing this, I'm going to take the liberty to make specific requests for some of the entries that I want in this cookbook. What about that ham and cheese breakfast casserole, those yummy cinnamon roll-up thingys (Catherine I'm sure you have a more eloquent name for them), the cinnamon pumpkin muffins as a start? You can submit your recipes by placing them in baskets located in either lobby of the church, or you can email them directly to Also, if you remember a dish from some of our meetings that you think should be included in the cookbook, leave it in the comment section below and we will forward the request to the correct cook! As you can see, you wouldn't even have to know the correct name of the dish to do so! I hope you will all participate in this -- church cookbooks are always filled with wonderful, practical recipes and this could end up being an easy fundraiser that will help our group tremendously!


  1. I definitely want recipes to all the wonderful casseroles (sausage and cheese, hashbrowns, mmmmm). Also didn't Angel make some really yummy muffins one time this year? I can't remember what was in them but that people were asking for the recipe...

  2. Angel makes some yummy chocolate muffins that maybe have pumpkin in them or are supposed to be healthy for you or something? I want that recipe! That way I can pretend I am eating healthy as I enjoy my chocolate muffin. Yes,all the casseroles are yummy. If anyone wants my brownie or muffin secret, I use a lady called Betty Crocker. Add some oil, an egg, some milk and mix. Genius!

  3. Muffins reminds me --- I'm thinking Erika makes some great sausage muffins -- or were they quiche muffins?
